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Two speakers on screen during a virtual panel

Cornell Keynotes podcast: Real estate right now

Post-pandemic real estate markets present many interesting opportunities, despite their ongoing challenges. While “back-to-office” efforts remain weak in many urban cores, those same downtowns are experiencing booming retail, entertainment and cultural visitation.

In a new episode of the Cornell Keynotes podcast …

Migrating birds

Cornell Keynotes podcast: Rethinking migration, the shared journeys of people and birds

Despite changes in movement patterns over recent decades, migration has been a natural phenomenon for millennia.…

Marbles on criss-crossing tracks

Cornell Keynotes podcast: Level up training and team building for an AI future

What skills do we need to navigate and thrive in a rapidly evolving job market and…

Four people, two men and two women, are gathered around a table covered with various supplies, such as notebooks, pens and coffee mugs. They are looking at two large whiteboards filled with colorful sticky notes. 

Master active listening to enhance decision-making

Picture a colleague grappling with a tough decision — they’re probably feeling the weight of uncertainty…

What’s Red Hot

The Perfect Match: Pairing Beer with Food

Open a restaurant menu and you will often find a specific wine suggested to pair with a particular dish. But what if you prefer a crisp lager over a fruity Riesling? Certain beers pair just as well with food as …

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