Professor Stewart Schwab discusses Robert Katzmann's book "Judging Statutes" at a 2016 Book Talk.

Cornell Keynotes podcast: Are noncompetes really dead?

When the Federal Trade Commission’s recent ruling takes effect in September, noncompete agreements will be over. Or will they?

In a new episode of the Cornell Keynotes podcast from eCornell, Cornell Law School professor Stewart J. Schwab and host Chris Wofford discuss …

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Navigate Change with eCornell

We know the saying — the only constant in life is change.

Are you prepared to thrive in an ever-changing professional landscape? Being able to navigate change plays a pivotal role in shaping successful careers and organizations. That’s why we’ve designed …

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Cornell Tech campus

Cornell launches new general counsel executive education program

Senior in-house attorneys and corporate leaders are navigating a dynamic business environment full of opportunities and challenges, ranging from technological innovation to shifts in regulatory requirements. At the current pace of change, 45 percent of chief executives believe their businesses could …

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Three cheerful employees working at laptops.

3 strategies to keep your best employees

Though U.S. employers kicked off 2024 with the addition of 353,000 new jobs, the job-switching trend that catalyzed The Great Resignation continues at near record-setting levels. Some sectors are experiencing greater churn than others. At 5 percent, the quit rate in …

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